Holidays Recharge Your Creative Spirit
Oh fun in the sun! Everyone deserves a holiday! I was fortunate to take two holidays this summer, each which celebrated a unique part of our vast country, Canada. First, we toured Vancouver Island including stops in Victoria, Parksville/Qualicum Beach area, Tofino, and Salt Spring Island. Then, we spent a week in Quebec City and Montreal to take in the Tall Ships Festival on the mighty St. Laurence River as part of Canada’s 150th celebrations.
From one coast virtually to the other, I was truly inspired! I was awestruck by the natural rugged beauty of the landscape on Vancouver Island in the west. It truly was a holiday – I was unplugged from my cell phone with no tv or phone in our room while we were in Tofino. I fell asleep each night to the peaceful and soothing sounds of the tides crashing along the vast beaches. The natural, locally grown foods were amazing and the humidity of the sea salt in the air was refreshing.
Culture, history and art are at every glance in Quebec City and Montreal! Everywhere you look there are public art installations, demonstrations, galleries and exhibits. Local shops are decorated beautifully with fresh flowers and seemingly endless amounts of local wares. The food, music and art were truly inspiring – offering a re-charge to my creativity and love for design. The tall ships festival spoke to my “inner pirate” and I’m now hooked – looking forward to my next vacation which will involve sleeping on a sailboat! This prairie girl is definitely looking forward to an adventure on the seas!
I can't wait to encorporate all the inspiration from my Canadian summer travels into my new projects this fall! A beautiful "cabin" (aka residence) on Pasqua Lake, the 2018 Spring Hospitals of Regina Foundation Lottery Home (being built again by Ripplinger Homes!), two amazing new homes near Riceton Sask, an extensive renovation of an old farmhouse near Moosomin, Sk, a Regina church, a well known local restaurant, and more! My recent experience in Canada's natural landscapes, and our collective Canadian story and culture are sure to influence these projects!